Bicepspathology in the shoulder: from science to practice


19 mai 2022    
20 h 30 min - 22 h 30 min


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Campus Woluwe
Avenue Emmanuel Mounier 84, Bruxelles, 1200

Type d’évènement

Carte non disponible

Thurdsay 19 May from 8.30 to 10.30

In shoulder rehabilitation, biceps pathology is often associated with persistent pain and difficult progression. In comparison to rotator cuff pathology, the M. Biceps Brachii is less investigated and thus less known. We first focus on biceps anatomy and function. Furthermore, we explore possible pathologic conditions to the M. Biceps Brachii, caput longum and discuss the potential causes, clinical investigation methods and rehabilitation strategies. During this course, scientific evidence is brought into practice for implementation into daily clinical practice.


Dorien Borms (PhD, PT, MT) is a physiotherapist working as a post-doctoral research assistant at Ghent University. She obtained her PhD in 2019 from the University of Ghent on the topic of assessment and rehabilitation of the overhead athlete. More specifically, research was focussed on biceps related pathology, functional testing and throwing related shoulder pain. She has published several papers in peer-reviewed international journals, teaches practical skills to physiotherapy students and teaches postgraduate shoulder rehabilitation courses. She also works as a physiotherapist in a private practice specialized in shoulder rehabilitation and is a board member and member of the research committee of the Flemish Shoulder Network.

Conférence en anglais !

Conférence accréditée ProQkiné (4 points)


  • tarif plein: 5€
  • étudiants Vinci : 2 €
  • gratuité pour les membres du personnel de la HE​ Vinci

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